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UwP7 · June/July 2002
- Inon Z-220New Miniature Strobe
- Sealife Reefmaster DC200
- Digital Imaging for the Underwater Photographer by Jack Drafahl and Sue Drafahl
- An underwater guide to Indonesia by Charles Anderson
Featured Photographer
- Kim Westerskov by Ross Armstrong
- Bonaire - a unique underwater studio by Linda Dunk
- Towards a Fellowship by Anne Owen FRPS
- Kurt Amsler photo course by Andrew Bell
- Bubbles by Will & Demelza Posslethwaite
- Photographing the spawning of whitebelly damselfish.
- by Alexander Mustard
- My way with monochrome by Morris Gregory
- The Novice Digital Photographer by Jurgen and Anne Brauer
- Starting simply by Sue Hall
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