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UwP = Underwater Photography Magazine

Your FREE underwater photography magazine


We currently have over 6,000 registered subscribers and they're all underwater photographers. No other diving publication can say that!

UwP is the perfect advertising medium for:

  • Underwater photography equipment manufacturers, distributors and retailers
  • Tourist boards
  • Dive travel agents
  • Dive tourism operators

UwP is unique because:

  • Our readers are 100% underwater photographers - the guaranteed perfect match for your target market
  • We have a worldwide distribution - you reach a much wider market for far less money
  • Every back issue of UwP is available here - your advertising spend is never wasted
  • We have no printing or distribution costs - a saving we pass back to you

Display Advertising Rate Card 2022/2023

Show rates in USD

Display space One issue Three issues
(6 months)
10% discount
Six issues
(12 months)
20% discount
Full page GBP 400.00 GBP 360.00 GBP 320.00
Half page GBP 250.00 GBP 225.00 GBP 200.00
Quarter page GBP 125.00 GBP 112.50 GBP 100.00
Eighth page GBP 75.00 GBP 67.50 GBP 60.00

Please note: All six and three issue discounted bookings must be fully paid at the time of booking. Special placements, if required, are available at the above rates plus 25%.

Advert size Width
Full page 297 210 Full
Half page vertical 146 210 Full
Half page horizontal 297 105 Full
Quarter page vertical 66 190 None
Quarter page horizontal 137 92 None
Eighth page horizontal 66 92 None

Download the pdf rate card here

Preparing UwP display advertisments

  • The preferred format for adverts is a pdf file at 144dpi same size. Adverts can be supplied in jpg format but in this format will NOT be found with internal or external search engines and may reduce the effectiveness of your advert.
  • UwP can make up a display advert for you at no extra charge.
  • If you plan to send any format other than PDF, please contact us for exact specifications and let us try a simple test BEFORE your prepare the advert.

For further information please contact Peter Rowlands peter@uwpmag.com

PR Productions

Tel 044 7941 399651 (From the UK dial 07941 399651)

Please support our advertisers to keep UwP free.

  • Nauticam
  • Bunaken Oasis
  • Reef Photo & Video
  • Backscatter
  • UW Camera Store
  • Dive Poto Guide
  • Sea & Sea
  • Magic Filters
  • Waterpixels
  • Marelux