- EcoDivers Dive guides
- Dominica Hyperbaric chamber
- Explore Cuba with Gavin Parsons
- www.uwphotochat.com
- www.marinebio.org
- Beograd Film Festival
- Diving4images
- Beneath the Sea 2007
- Linda Pitkin's exhibition
- Graham Hawkes NCUPS presentation
- NELOS Festival
- FotoSub Isla de El Hierro
- Oceans Expo 2006
- Visions in the Sea 2006
- Toyota sponsors the Blue Army in Iceland
New Products
- Ikelite E-330 Olympus housing
- Light & Motion Totan D200 housing
- Gates Canon XL H1 housing
- Nikon D80 DSLR
- Nexus Nikon D200 housing
- Auto-Magic colour filter
- Technical Lighting Control
- URPRO green water filter
- Olympus PT-034 housing for Mju 740/750 cameras
- Epoque EHS-510H housing
Product Reviews
- Subal housing for Nikon D200 by Mark Webster
- Bikini Atoll by Tim Priest
- Manta Foto Fest by James Michael
Tips & Techniques
- Composites by Alex Mustard
- Low viz photography by Mathieu Meur
Marine Life
- Whaleshark diving in Belize by Martin Spragg
Book Review
- A Divers Guide to Reef Life by Andrea and Antonella Ferrari
Parting shot by Simon Brown